Monday, March 23, 2009

Really? You Were That Dumb?

I found a story that really made me angry today. Really really angry. A 16 year old girl (with a history of mental illness) went into a hospital complaining of stomach pains, since her condition was not to extreme or urgent she was asked to wait while other patients were helped. While she was waiting she went to the bathroom where she gave birth to a baby 7 weeks premature. She had apparently hid the pregnancy from those close to her. When security saw blood coming from under the bathroom door, they broke down the bathroom door to find the 16 year old stuffing the baby into a Wonder bread bag and trying to flush it down the toilet. Luckily the staff was able to take the baby to the NICU, and despite being 7 weeks premature as well as small for where it should be developmentally, the baby was strong enough to pull through. Now this is not completely uncommon, but it is still quite maddening. After all there are women who throw their babies into dumpsters, and leave there babies in the woods to die. This is why safe haven laws were put into place. The part of this story that really got to me was how the hospital staff handled the situation after the incident. After the baby had recovered the Social Services staff considered giving the child back to the mother. Not only did this 16 year old not notify her family of her pregnancy, she tried to kill. Now remember, the mother had a history of mental illness. How was there even consideration of giving this child to the mother. I could understand maybe to one of the grandparent, but let's not forget there were not observent enough to notice their 16 year old was pregnant.
In somewhat lighter news, men have once again shown their stupidity in dealing with their libidos. A Kansas man was recently arrested on charges of bigamy. I am not saying that bigamy is completely wrong, I do not really agree with it but if multiple women are content with having one husband (or vise versa) then more power to them. This man from Kansas didn't exactly cover all his bases in this one though. The husband had not told either of his wives that he had taken another wife, yet he still chose to move them into the same appartment complex. Now if I had two wives, they would be as far away from each other as possible. Plus, did these women not question where their husband was. Either one was really neglected and the other had no reason to suspect he was spitting his time with another woman, or they were both really stupid.
One last story that I would like to mention show the risks men take to be sexually satisfied. A Russian man named Mikhail had his penis bitten off by his wife, and I can't say I blame her. Mikhail and his wife decided to invite one of her friends over to have dinner and watch a movie. When Katya, the wife, fell asleep during the movie Mikhail and the friend began to kiss on another. When Katya woke she found her husband recieving oral sex from her friend. Katya smacked her friend across the head, then went in for the kill bitting her husbands penis. Katya must be one deep sleeper for her husband to think she couldn't possible wake up. Despite all of this though, Katya was nice enough to call an ambulance for her husband.

Question of the Blog: Who makes you more angry, the girl for trying to kill her child or the hospital for considering giving it back to her.

Wonder bread Baby:

Kansas Idiot:

Russian Idiot:


Unknown said...

Um... I think I am going to have to go with the hospital. I find it very frustrating that these are the people who are taking care of our babies when they are first born, and yet they think it just might be okay if we still send the baby home with the neglectful mother. Mental illness or not, the grandparents must have noticed that the girl was getting fat! I mean... unless the girl was morbidly obese and you couldn't tell. I am curious where she got the Wonder bread bag. I mean they don't just have those laying around in the hospital bathrooms...

So I must laugh at the idiot who thought he could pull off two wives in the same complex. What I am curious to know is whether or not they found out, and if so, are they still together? I'm sorry I probably would have bit his penis off when I found out he had another wife a few doors down. I mean, COME ON how stupid can you get?

For the lady who did bite her man's penis off... two things come to mind. First, YOU GO GIRL! and second, well you really just screwed yourself... I bet she is in the market for a dildo!

Alex, I must admit, you find some pretty crazy stuff! I really hoped you went golfing today lol

Anonymous said...

Wow...I figured this out! Ok I am deeply frustruated with the first story...I can't say I blame the parents because there are many ways to hide a pregnancy and honestly some women do not "show" but the baby deserve to have a stable parent. There is no perfect solution, because there are problems placing children in foster homes and the horror stories that can come from a child whohas been through the system is terrifying. As a future social worker I can see the underlining issues and would hope the grandparents would step up and help raise their grandchild.

Where do you get these stories??? Crazy!