Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Slap Chop Your Face!

Usually when I write this blog I give you some silly story, and how strange people can be at times. Today is a little different though. I have had quite the weekend, a weekend of new beginnings of sorts. This weekend my nephew, Neven Angelo Valdez, was born.
I don't know exactly what it is, but seeing newborn babies always makes me feel like there is so much I don't understand. There is just something about knowing that someone lives in someone else that I can't really wrap my head around. Plus, I just can't understand how I was ever that small. But, enough of the philosophical stuff. For as long as I can remember I have had a fascination with photography. I love taking pictures and seeing how the world looks to others from their photographs. I have always wanted a Canon Rebel XSi, and more recently a Sony A700, but I can never bring myself to spend that much money on a camera then have to buy lenses separate. This weekend I got a camera that I feel I will allow me to start taking some really good photographs. It is an old school 35 mm camera, a Minolta SRT-MC II.

No auto focus, no auto aperture settings, and I have already had some great prints come from it. There is something great in the nostalgic feeling that comes from photographing a floral shot with film instead of a memory card. I love my digital Sony Cybershot, but I am happy to have some more flexibility that comes with the Minolta.
Just for fun I will give you a little silliness. You have most likely seen the infomercial for either the ShamWow or the Slap Chop. The ones with the crazy, fast-paced, middle-age guy. Well that very same guy was busted for punching a prostitute in the face. The ShamWow guy was propositioned for by the prostitute, soon after he took her to his hotel room and paid her $1000. After the financials were taken care of and the kissing began, the prostitute bit his tongue and refused to let go. He then punched her multiple times in the face until she let go. He ran down stairs where security called the police. I have no idea what to say about this story. Why would you bit someones tongue like that? I can't think of what she was possibly trying to accomplish by doing this. I also don't understand why anyone would pay $1000 for a prostitute, the Slap Chop must be a good business to go into.

Question of the Blog: Why do you think the prostitute bit the ShamWow guy's tongue? What was she trying to accomplish?

ShamWow Arrest:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe the ShamWow did not wow her!!! Beware of scams...hehe!

Your nephew is darling!