Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wait, You Aren't Good Enough, Sorry

Today I am very excited. As of late I have been feeling very good, sleeping better, and all around happier. I am happy to say as of today I have lost 20 lbs! This is really the first time in my life that I have tried to get healthier, which I really needed to do. I have worked out to get into shape and for sports and all of that good stuff, but now that I don't really play competitive sports I did this one for me. I decided to start thinking ahead with my health. Just being Hispanic puts me at risk for things like diabetes not to mention my family history of it, if I can cut out one more encouraging factor then why not? I am also worried about the condition of my heart. I already have an hole in my heart that should not be there, and I really don't want to over work the little guy. To be totally honest, cutting out things like pop and potatoes really hasn't been that hard. And I love Dr. Pepper, even my pajama pants say so, but after the first week it was real easy to just grab a water. So 20 lbs down, and hopefully it's just the start.
Next on the list of good news today, the University of California in San Diego welcomed 46,377 new students to the school. The University sent out an e-mail congratulating the students on their acceptance. The problem is only 17,000 incoming students were accepted for the upcoming fall semester. I'll be the first to admit that I am no math wiz, but I think I could figure out that there is a pretty large difference between 17,000 and 46,377. Whoever sent out this e-mail must not have the brightest bulb in the box. Even though whoever sent the e-mail must feel awful about this mistake, I am inclined to feel worst for the students who didn't get in. Image a kid who was told they would never get into college, or that they were not college material, or even that they just couldn't get into a school that good. I'm sure when they got that e-mail they showed everyone they knew, rubbing it in the faces of the nay-sayers, just to be denied a few hours later. And I am sure there were already plenty of congratulatory parties planned before the bad new was received. That's good on the old self-esteem.

Question of the Blog: How would you feel if you were the parent of one of these hopeful students?

UCSD Mishap:


Anonymous said...

Hey Alex,
Enjoying your blog. You find some crazy stuff. Congrats on the 20 lbs. And good luck with your presentation at Student Scholar Days!

Anonymous said...

Very proud of you Al! Keep up the good work!

Becky said...

First, congrats on your ex-20 lbs.
Second, how fun reading your blog. Brings me back to you and Stefan playing off each other back in the olden days!