Thursday, April 16, 2009


Again it's been awhile since I have written a blog. I wish I would have had more time this week to get a few done, but school is pretty crazy right now. Between preparing my RMPA poster, running statistics for Experimental Psychology, and re-writing a paper for Brain and Behavior there hasn't been time for much else other that school work. Gladly the week is nearly over and I leave for Albuquerque tomorrow morning to present my research at the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association's annual conference, and I am very excited to show what I have been working on for two semesters. This should be a very good experience for me, RMPA is not a huge conference so I hope this will allow me to get some experience so that I can be prepared to present at larger conferences.
Other than that, I would like to share with you some stories I found online that I thought were pretty funny. Today's theme (if you can call it that) is an example of why people should not drink. On a flight to Hawaii, a man who had been drinking got up and urinated on the woman next to him. The man was sentenced to three weeks and jail, while the woman said her entire vacation was ruined. I think that would ruin my vacation as well, I would probably be so confused that someone could just urinate on me that I would be freaked out for quite some time. In another incident, two drunken brother got into a little scuffle over a can of pork and beans. One of the bothers threw a punch, when he missed his brother grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed him. The only thing I can think is how drunk were these guys? How many beers does it take to stab someone over pork and beans?
Oh well, when a person wants some pork and beans he wants some pork and beans. Elsewhere, BOOM!!. I had to give one of those in honor of John Madden. He announced that he will be retiring from announcing football games. Now, I'm not a big fan of John Madden standing there writing all over the screen while I'm trying to watch a game or speaking incoherently at time, but he was entertaining, even if only for comedic value. What I think is sad is the uncertainty of his football legacy. Most people now only know John Madden as the guy who make the video games. What a lot of people these days don't know is that he began his career as a linebacker turned youngest coach in the league. He coached the Raiders to a Superbowl title and was recently inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. I just hope, for his sake, that he will be remembered for his football career and not just the guy with the video games.

Pork and Beans Stabbing:


Madden Retires:

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